Free Weight loss Challenge

Everyone wants something for free! So we have something CRAZY for you! As you know, both Kate and I are all about helping people. So, if you are ready to take the first step toward your Health & Fitness goals, we are combining forces with a couple other coaches to bring you the BEST 7 […]

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10 Tips to Make Meal Prep Easier

Meal preppers love to quote time management expert Alan Lakein’s famous motto: “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” But, be honest. How many times have you finished work and thought, “I’m too tired to cook and there’s nothing in the fridge. I just I’ll hit the drive-thru”? By planning and prepping, you can help […]

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Super Sunday

I want to share this with you guys! We got to go spend the day learning, being inspired and encouraged by fellow Health & Fitness Coaches AND the CEO of Beachbody, Carl Daikeler! What we learned was priceless. We left there more on fire than ever to see our dream of helping people become a […]

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Hey, I’m Steve.

In High School I was very active and athletic. I was involved in all kinds of sports from soccer, baseball, track and football, to wrestling. I tried them all and mainly focused on wrestling and soccer. I was even being considered for recruitment to train with youth camps for Manchester United, and my wrestling had […]

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6 Reasons to Cross Train

If your results have hit a brick wall even though you’ve been following your fitness routine faithfully, maybe it’s time to try cross training. What’s that, you say? It’s when you change your regular workout and add in other types of exercise. Here are 6 of the best reasons to cross train: 1. Prevent injury. […]

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