8 Yoga Moves to Strengthen Knees

Yoga can be daunting for those with knee problems. Unfortunately, that’s a lot of us, myself included. Below are the yoga poses I used to strengthen my knee after surgery. Three years into my yoga career, I suffered a meniscus tear. Physical therapy, ice, and painkillers were not enough to ward off surgery. I had […]

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What Is Tabata Training?

If you could microwave a workout down to 1/15th the amount of time — the way you can, say, a bag of popcorn — you’d do it, right? Well, one fitness protocol — Tabata — promises to do just that, and in some cases delivers even better results. What is Tabata? Tabata is a four-minute form […]

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Do You Even Need Lactose?

Lactose: that devilish, disaccharide sugar found in dairy products that has brought many a meal to an unhappy end. For many, lactose presents nary an issue, but an estimated 20 percent of folks in the U.S. suffer from lactose intolerance, according to the National Institutes of Health. These people are mostly of European descent but […]

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7 Tips to Push Yourself Harder

So you’ve taken the first step and have started an exercise program. Congratulations! That’s often times the hardest part of getting fit. But once you’ve been doing the same thing for a few weeks, you might want to think about upping the intensity of your workouts. Results follow performance, so if you don’t advance your workouts, […]

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